Toll Free 1-877-692-7226

Our Approach

All kids and families are different.  We’re different, too.  And that’s a good thing.  We offer flexible, creative, outcome-based solutions to meet the individual needs of the youth and families we serve. We offer many of the same services as other organizations but we do it cost-effectively and keep it community-based because we believe youth experience the most success when they live in a family setting and in the community they call home.

We work cooperatively with contract sources and our referral partners to develop individually focused and fiscally responsible solutions to the needs of children, youth, and families in the communities in which we operate.

The cornerstones to our successful services with children,youth and families are our caring and committed foster parents and the dedicated NYAP team members who support them.​


What We Do

NYAP offers unique and personalized services for families and individuals in five different categories: Prevention/Intervention, Family Preservation,  Positive Youth Development, Out-of-home Care, Reunification/Permanency


Our innovative, assessment-driven, outpatient prevention and intervention programs are designed to enhance the overall functioning of those we serve based on their unique and identified needs and preferences. These include:


NYAP empowers the family unit through various programs that help families live safely, successfully and unified in their home communities. These services can be a diversion program to prevent youth from being placed elsewhere, and as a reunification program to maintain stability in the home. These programs include

Positive Youth Development

With a focus on community-based programming, we provide strengths-based, individualized services and treatment for all levels of at-risk youth. Programming is designed to support youth in teaching and empowering them to live successfully and productively within their communities. These programs include:

Out-of-Home Care

If a family is unable to care for their youth due to various situations, NYAP provides a safe, nurturing, enriching living environment for the youth until the family collaboratively solves the identified challenges. Specially trained foster parents and employees provide the support and care youth need until they’re reunified back home. These programs include:


NYAP offers several programs that aim to improve the likelihood of permanency for youth and that support family reunification. These services develop the capacities of biological, adoptive and kinship families and to achieve lifelong placement stability for the youth. These programs include: